Contributed by Carl Mefford
I find it incredibly regrettable that the Messianic/Hebrew Roots Movement (whatever you want to call it) has become such a popularity contest. Much like every church I have been involved with (previous to being called back to His Torah), there are now three groups of people: those within the clique, those sitting at the feet of those within the clique, and those attempting to contribute with what Elohim has given them while being beaten by those within the clique. This is all very sad to me.
Now, is our tact in sharing truth important? Of course it is! I've written about that topic in the past (as well as learning from my own mistakes in that regard). However, speaking a truthful message which the masses find distasteful is not equitable with poor tact, in and of itself. For example, I have been attacked in the past for respectfully discussing dietary law. Should I then, in response to the attack, run from those laws, apologize for them, and censor myself for the sake of those who strongly and spitefully disagree? Absolutely not! I would not beat specific individuals over the head on the topic, of course, but neither do I publicly run from the topic.
At the end of the day, I'm not concerned with acceptance, popularity, or praises; I'm concerned with accuracy, and acting upon His inspiration for me — no more and no less. My way may not be your way, but your way is not the only way. After all, tone and even righteous indignation, properly articulated, is wholly dependent upon situation and circumstance (just ask Elijah). We really need to stop sniping one another with demands that everyone conform to our own style and approach (which is often a nice way of saying 'shut up and listen to me'), and instead focus upon the goal for each of us: serving His purposes for us individually. If that purpose is to encourage, then encourage. If to inspire, then inspire. If it is to teach (even on topics you don't personally like), then teach. And if it is to rebuke, then rebuke — with meekness, not weakness. When we can each focus upon those roles without fear of slander and reprisal from our own mishpochah, then we will all be better for it, will we not? So please, just stop the slander, break up the clique mentality, and allow each of us to serve as we were individually called to do so. That would be great...
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