It's so easy to sit in the Bible belt and hear the talk of "them liberals on the coasts," but while Massachusetts child services are making ominous headlines, and California schools have gone beyond gender confusion, we need to take a closer look in our own backyard
This probably only scratches the surface of what is going on, but since Texas is touted to be one of the conservative states, freedom loving, all that sort of thing, I'm troubled by what took place. It was a few years ago, that we saw very ominous county vehicles at the Yearning for Zion Ranch take all the children and load them onto church buses, removing them from their families.
I don't agree with the teachings of YfZ Ranch, but the fact that law enforcement knew the "alleged abuse" call was a hoax, should have been a big indication that freedom of religion doesn't exist, even in the conservative gun-totin' states. The fact the church buses served the government's purpose in ripping these children from their parents, should have alerted every religious person of any faith to know, they could be next.
This woman didn't show her ID
This man was on business and planning to buy a car.
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