Sunday, August 25, 2013

Lamenting Our Water Supply

We have drunken our water for money; our wood is sold unto us.  Lamentations 5:4
This Scripture used to really bother me when I read it, because I simply could not imagine such a thing here in the USA.  How ridiculous was that naivety?  I was paying a water bill at the time!  Then within the next decade, small water bottles became the norm.  We pay more by the gallon, for water in those little bottles than we do for gasoline.  Now, that this prophecy is coming to fulfillment in so many ways, I am literally reduce to tears over the fact.  We have "sold out" our very water supply for sorcery and greed!

I'm no scientist, but I can tell you, as the people are being divided by accusations over fracking or chemtrails, there are detrimental things happening.  When there have been record years of drought, to the point cattle are dying and towns are out of water, to even entertain the thought of using water for any purpose beyond sustaining life, is at the very least, ridiculous.  I'm leaning more toward the use of the word, evil.  Obviously, the love of money is the driving force behind fracking.

I can also tell you this.  Jet's are not powered by steam engines.  Jet fuel is not made of water, so any jet emissions are chemical in nature.  Chemical emissions do not require any conspiracy of nefarious intention at all, but it is still chemicals put into our atmosphere.  If aerosol hair spray and deodorant put a hole in the O-Zone, then it's time time to evaluate the potential damage from all this air travel, to the future rains we hope and pray to have.

Whether it's greed or speed, the action we are taking and the decisions being made are and will continue to affect our water supply, and the cost; thereof.

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